Senior Life (Part 2)


Hello lovelies! This is the part 2 of my previous post and if you haven’t read that yet, just click here. Like what I’ve said on my previous post, part 2 will be about entrance exam, how to prepare for it, senior high, and what strand should you take.

If you’re living in the Philippines, I guess you know by now that after 10th grade, there are still 2 more years of high school which is senior high school. I don’t know how many exact number of strands there is but under the Academic strand are STEM, ABM, HUMSS, and GAS. For more info, just search it on the internet for a clearer explanation.😂

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Last January I took my entrance exam. And a few weeks later, I received a good news and I passed! Anyway, entrance exams aren’t necessary unless you are planning on transferring to another school.

Before I begin, I just wanna say that Senior High is no joke. SHS is far more different from junior high school. I had been hearing that since 9th grade from my teachers. Ever since we started taking the NCAE, we were already asked to prepare and start thinking of what strand we’re going to take for senior high school.

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My classes just started this August but before that, my friends in my former school are already going to school since June. And I’ve been hearing complains how different and stressful SHS is. It made me really scared. But I’m not here to threaten you because I’m here to help and give a few tips.

First, I’ll start with NCAE. If you haven’t taken the NCAE test yet, please take it seriously. If you aren’t sure on what strand you wanna take, the test will help you to know where you’ll most probably excel in. But if you have taken your test and you already saw your results and the results isn’t what you expect, it’s okay. At the end of the day, what you want and what you choose is more important. So take the NCAE test seriously and choose what you want to be in, where you think you’ll grow more, and what your passion is.

At 9th grade it’s okay if you’re still unsure of your strand. But once you entered 10th grade, start deciding where you want to be in. Guys 10th grade passes so quickly and it will be over before you know it. I know grade 10 is already stressful but grades 11 and 12 is much much much more. Enjoy the last remaining days of junior high because you might not be as free as you are now once you entered shs.

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If you are still unsure, your parents and counselors or teachers are always there to help you and guide you. But at the end of the day, it’s your choice that matters the most because it you who are studying, not them.

When you are studying for your entrance exams, for UST, DLSU, AMDU, or other schools, study but don’t pressure yourself too much. If it’s meant to be, it will be. If you didn’t pass to the school that you wanted to be in, its okay and don’t forget that. Don’t be too hard on yourself. God always has better plans for each one of us. Just study hard and do your best.

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Another tip of advice, greet or talk to your seatmate during your entrance test. I don’t recommend this during exam hours but on your break or spare time, talk to your seatmates and others who are also taking the test. Who knows, your seatmate might be your next best friend. You don’t have to wait for the first day of school to make new friends when you can start on your entrance exam day.

Most important tip, take your time while answering the test but don’t be too slow. I don’t know if this applies to all school but on my former and new school, we have time limits on answering the test. Don’t be too slow on answering the test because you might not be able to finish it but also, don’t forget to analyze each question before you answer.

Not all schools are senior high ready. If you’re school is shs ready, you can stay IF you want. If you want to study in Manila or transfer to another school, you may IF you want. You always have options so choose what you think is best for you.

Go where you really want to be, not just because your friends are there. I know friends are important because they are family but at the same time, education and your future is also just as important.

Lastly, study well! If you really want something, work hard for it.

I have a few study tips and you can read them here. Part 1 of this post can be found here if you haven’t seen it yet.

Good luck on your future endeavors and may you achieve all your goals and dreams!

La vie est belle,


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